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Hydrogen powered

IMAGEN: your decarbonization partner for energy storage

Innovative Solutions for Green Hydrogen

Aich2 & ImaGEN have partnered to commercialize solid state hydrogen solutions that will accelerate the adoption of green hydrogen as a primary and sustainable source of clean energy. 

Logo Aich2
Logo Imagen

High-performance modular systems

Our partener’s Aich2 – ImaGEN modular solid hydrogen systems make it easy and safe to store, transport, and distribute hydrogen across numerous applications. 

These novel devices convert solid hydrogen to pure gas at the point of use, on demand.  Each of their 3 production units can be deployed individually or combined as multiple units to match the capacity and flow rates needed. 

In combination with the GeniWatt ICE unit, we offer a turnkey, emissions free backup power solution.

MH-10, MH-60, MH-540 : Solid Hydrogen, Modular Storage and Generation Systems

Technical Specs
(MH-60) :