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Our Decarbonization Strategy

Two Companies Driving Decarbonized Mobility

Fétis Group assumes our responsibility as an expert integrator of propulsion systems by promoting a sustainable and innovative transition. With our two major brands for decarbonized mobility:

Mobilité On-Road
& Off-Road




We are making a strategic shift that is necessary for the environment, our customers and the long-term viability of our business.


In 2021, FÉTIS Group designs, produces and integrates innovative systems to decarbonize heavy machinery with hydrogen fuel cells, batteries for electrification and hybridization solutions.

Our aim is to contribute to France’s national low-carbon strategy targeting a 50% reduction in greenhouse gases by 2035 for intensive mobility, with the help of all our employees in the 9 countries where we operate.

Our decarbonization strategy is deployed throughout all Group companies. It concerns all of our business sectors and extends throughout the life cycle of the machines.

Hybridization & Electrification

FÉTIS Group made its debut in hybridization and electrification for mobile machines in 2010 using proven technologies in the industrial sector.

First mobile applications
The first concrete mobile applications were developed for the Compagnie La Machine in Nantes, our first client in the sector.
First off-road achievements
Fétis Group, through our brand Dintec, developed the first concrete industrial applications with battery solutions for municipal services.
First 100% electric marine achievements
Through our Seco Marine brand, Fétis Group joined forces with Black Pepper shipyards to launch the very first Code 0.1 sailboat, equipped with a 100% electric system.

In line with our decarbonization strategy, since 2018, FÉTIS Group has been investing in solutions for the electrification of heavy machinery (off-road, on-road) with hydrogen, H2, commonly known as molecular hydrogen.

The new IPCC report (Group 1 / Report 6, August 2021) warns of unprecedented global warming due to greenhouse gas emissions from human activities.

FÉTIS Group believes that hydrogen is one of the solutions to meet the power needs of our customers, manufacturers and users of heavy machines for which all-battery solutions are not feasible, since these machines require high power and short charging times for intensive use.

FÉTIS Group works with local partners and economic development organizations to drive growth in the hydrogen value chain in Pays de Loire by sharing our expertise and know-how in the electrification of heavy machinery.
